Sunday 10 March 2013

There is no reason to reject pr

It makes sense to arrange elections so that people can vote for the party of their choice without worrying about who other people are going to vote for. If we have proportional representation then there is no reason for voters to be concerned with how other people are going to vote and they can simply vote for their favourite candidate. This system is clearly much better for the voter because they have more chance of their desires being reflected in parliament if they do not need to concern themselves with tactical voting. It is only if we would want to frustrate the voter that we would prefer to use anything other than proportional representation. There is no valid reason to use fptp and since pr is clearly better and easier for the voter to use then (by default) it should be the system in place. Since there is no reason to reject pr we should have it. Only if we reject the concept of government and democracy to begin with might there be a reason to reject pr but since without government there can be no law and law is good then that position is not tenable. Since democracy and government is good (anarchy would lead to lawlessness) then there is no reason to reject pr. Only an anarchist might have a reason to reject pr but since anarchy is not a valid way to live then there is no legitimate reason to reject pr. And if someone is an anarchist then pr will be less oppressive to them... the state which uses pr is less oppressive to (the anarchist than) the state which uses fptp and so even an anarchist has no fair reason to reject pr other than dogma. The statist must accept the validity of pr since they already accept that a government (and democracy) should exist. If the statist defends government and democracy then they are being inconsistent if they reject pr. Only the anarchist can reject pr but anarchy is not a valid proposition. Statists must accept pr and to not be a statist is to be in favour of anarchy and lawlessness which is not a valid position. Democrats have no reason to reject pr.

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