Thursday 27 June 2013

To have property rights requires a fair voting system

There can be no civilisation without property rights which means there is a need for some form of government. Without government there are no property rights... but for there to be government it must be valid... and democratic. First past the post isn't entirely democratic in fact it tends to result in a system favourable to the elite whereby a small group of people are able to control politics. In order to control politics in a fptp system we need only to control both of the main parties... since no other parties are able to do well. This means that fptp is favourable to the rich and privileged and doesn't give 'the people' a share of the government. Perhaps we could argue that there are advantages to this in that to give the people full control of the government might (and has) lead to disastrous consequences... but ultimately the alternative - a government run by a small elite - is worse especially where the real risk of the type of tyranny we have seen in the past is diminishing. The people can now be trusted with proportional representation. To have the government run by a small elite (fptp) is in effect to have no government which means that property rights become arbitrary and there is discord and uncertainty amongst the people. To have genuine and valid property rights requires a legitimate government which is not provided by a two-party system. First past the post is a kind of anarchy but that is not to be welcomed since property rights (and hence civilisation) rely on there being a valid government in existence. Valid property rights rely on there being a valid government and an efficient democracy. First past the post doesn't provide valid property rights since it is not sufficiently democratic.

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