Wednesday 14 August 2013

First past the post is bad for everyone

It is a myth to assume that the first past the post system is helpful to Tory voters. Whilst their party might pick up some tactical votes using fptp they will not get as many as Labour (for reasons given shortly) and losing to Labour is never good for the interests of Tory voters even if their party gets tactical votes. What is good for Tory voters is not always good for their party. In fact we could argue that what is good for their party is not good for them (Tory voters) since to live in a two-party system is illiberal. The success of the Tory party (via fptp) hurts everyone including their voters. The voters do not need the party... only the policies of the party and so what helps the party is not always good for their voters.

The reason Labour get more tactical votes than the Tory party is that liberals are less inclined to vote for one of the large parties... and since liberals would oppose economic socialism this means that non-Labour votes are lost in a two-party system because they do not necessarily go to the Tories. It is less burdensome for the left to vote for a single party than it is for people on the right who are more distrustful of collectivism generally. People who oppose socialism will be less likely to vote tactically to make sure the opposition are kept out.

First past the post hurts Tories because it favours the left which means their policies will be enacted. Only if their supporters identified more with the party than their policies would fptp be good for the Tories... it is not good for Tories because Tories care more about policies than the particular party in power.

First past the post is bad for Tories unless they care more about their party than policies.

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