Saturday 14 September 2013

Democracy helps to reduce government crime

If crimes are to be prevented then there must be a government to arrest criminals. Generally criminals are bad people who do not stop unless they are confronted by force and when we use force to stop a criminal we are being a state. Because of the categorical imperative we must 'Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law without contradiction'. That being the case no one can be a criminal and there must be a state to remove criminals from society. We can assume that without punishment (exclusion) criminals will continue to be criminals so we need a state to prevent crime. And to prevent crimes of the state we need a democracy so that we can protect ourselves from state theft and slavery. We need the state to protect us from individual criminals and we need democracy to protect us from crimes enacted by the state itself. If there is less democracy (fptp) then the state will be able to do more crimes than otherwise. If there is a less democratic system such as fptp then government crime (communism) will be easier to enact. The government will find it easier to enact its criminal communist programs if there is not a sufficiently democratic system in place.

Proportional representation helps to reduce communism because it helps to reduce government crime.

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