Wednesday 2 October 2013

Bad governments use first past the post

The problem with anarchy is that we have no objective means to apprehend criminals. The truly anarchist society would enforce laws via a kind of vigilante system where there is no overall (objective) law-maker. The advantage of government is that no one is more powerful than the government so no one can do a crime against the government (to do so would be a revolution). This means that typical (petty) criminals are not able to exploit their relative power over their victims without being liable for arrest. It is the government which enacts the just law. Since criminal gangs of some kind can be expected to arise in anarchist systems we can see that they are never free from crime and warlordism. Since government prevents warlordism it is good... and if government is good then it is consistent that it use the most democratic system available to it. Since the government is good it would be perverse for it to oppress the people with an undemocratic voting system. It is consistent for the government to use proportional representation since the government is good. We do not have a right to be a government and exclude voters from power using first past the post. Government has no right to use fptp it must use some form of proportional representation.

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