Monday 22 September 2014

First past the post is welfare for the government

If the people cannot easily remove the government then the government is subsidised and this is welfare for the government.

In general, in spite of the apparent advantages of being in receipt of unfair and unequal support in the long run it is best to be exposed to the harsh realities of the market. In in the end the subsidy will be withdrawn (no crime is permanent) so then it is better to face the realities of life without welfare as soon as possible and for this reason the Tories should reject fptp as soon as possible. It is better for the Tories and all of the other parties to be exposed to the truth of democracy at the earliest opportunity, not only for their sake but for the voters too, which means they should adopt proportional representation. Welfare is bad for the recipient which means the Tories should support electoral reform.

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