Thursday 2 October 2014

First past the post is not a conservative system

We can assume conservatives are opposed to endless and unlimited government expansion, since the conservative position is generally opposed to expansionist government. Conservatism is associated with small government which means to be consistent it is also in favour of democracy since only democracy constrains the state.

People with experience of established democracies will know that it is only around election time that the ruling class pay attention to the feelings of the electorate. Since it is only the electorate who are able to remove the politicians from office, it is only the voters that the politicians fear. Democracy is the only means to constrain the state and so (since conservatives are in favour of state constraint) conservatives are in favour of more democracy (otherwise they are being inconsistent).

For the state to be accountable to the people is a conservative principle, if it is not then conservatism is opposed to state constraint and in favour of continued state expansion leading to full communism. If conservatives are not communists they are in favour of democracy which means they have a preference for proportional representation over first-past-the-post.

Non-communists have a preference for proportional representation over first-past-the-post since only democracy is able to constrain the state.

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