Thursday 11 December 2014

First past the post is communism or treason

As far as the state and democracy is concerned we should ask ourselves whether the government is popular, if government is itself a good thing and if the people are discerning.

If government is a good thing and the people are discerning then people will want as much of it as possible and democracy will lead to communism but if government is (overall) bad then the discerning people will vote for liberalism. So when people defend a lack of democracy and advocate first-past-the-post (and if they are liberals) then either they do not trust the people (to be as liberally discerning as they are) or they want big government despite being liberals because they do not have the interests of the country at the front of their mind... they are either traitors (who know that liberalism is good but want to impose communism on the country) or they think the voters are less liberal than they are.

If we assume the voters aren't stupid and have the same opinion of government as the people deciding which voting system to use then liberals would choose a liberal system (pr) unless they want bad things for the country and communists would not want to give the voters as much choice because democracy is bad for the state. Only a loyal communist or a treasonous liberal would want less democracy than is possible (knowing that democracy weakens the state). If you do not want the state to be weakened by democracy then either you are a communist (who likes your country) or you are a liberal who wants bad things to happen to the country.

Democracy is bad and first-past-the-post is good for (loyal) communists and treasonous liberals (who know that communism is bad). A lack of democracy will result in communism so the people who support this must either be communists themselves or people who know that (state) communism doesn't work but want the nation to do badly.

People who oppose democracy (for their own country) are either communists or traitors. If first-past-the-post is not communist it is treasonous.

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