Tuesday 17 February 2015

First past the post is dangerous

The danger of not having democracy is that the state (being unchecked) is able to expand indefinitely, which will lead to universal poverty. For the state not to be checked by democracy is very dangerous for the people because it will expand forever. Without a democratic check on democracy the state will consume everything which is why democracy is important.

When the first-past-the-post system is used this is partly democratic but not full democracy and once the centre-right party is no longer widely-supported it tends to a one-party state of the left. Historically, people have voted for the centre-right party in a two-party system because that party is more closely aligned with the church, but as this becomes less important for people, then fptp becomes like a one-party state. One-party totalitarianism is a threat to he survival of the people because when the state is unchecked it consumes everything and there is no material wealth. When the centre-right party is no longer widely supported fptp becomes more like a one-party totalitarian state which is dangerous.

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