Monday, 2 March 2015

Anarchy is not better than democracy

The nature of reality is that statelessness is impossible because when there is no central government gangs, or brigands will emerge. There can never be true anarchy (in the sense of statelessness) although there can be anti-authoritarianism if democracy allows this.

The least bad form of government is democracy because the alternative is totalitarianism which means the government faces no constraints on its power and unconstrained government power will lead to despotism. So democracy is the least bad form of government and anarchy will lead to brigandism so then if this is a kind of government itself (and anarchy is impossible) then democracy is the least bad state of affairs.

There will always be a state or central authority of some kind, whether legal or illegal and we might as well resign ourselves to the fact that democracy is the least bad state of affairs and that anarchy is impossible.

Democracy is certainly the least bad form of government but it is also the least bad state of affairs given that there can never be genuine anarchy... there will always be some emergent group of outlaws who will take control and this will become a government. Because government is inevitable it is always better to have democracy than any other kind of government and nothing is better than democracy.

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