Tuesday 9 October 2012

Fptp is less bad for the left than the right

Due to the nature of fptp the party of the centre-left (Labour) is more likely to profit from tactical votes than its counterpart (the Tories). If we consider the hypothetical voter who hates the Tories but is opposed to taxation it could well be that they end up voting for Labour despite being opposed to taxation. The same does not happen in reverse the Tories do not attract anti-Labour voters who are otherwise socialist. We cannot easily imagine someone who is heavily socialist or even communist voting for the Tories... (since Labour are generally more socially liberal there would be no reason for them to do so) but we can imagine the reverse. Tactical voting only works to the detriment of the right under fptp. Social authoritarians tend not to be (economic) socialists... (Labour do not lose many votes to tough-on-crime communists) but economic liberals might be willing to eschew their economic principles if the Tories become too dogmatic with regard to social intervention. Labour tend not to lose tactical votes to the Tories but the reverse is not true. There are more (economic) liberals who vote Labour than socialists who reject Labour (for the Tories) due to Labour's social liberalism. The social liberalism of Labour is less offensive to bigots than the economic liberalism of the Tories. People prefer (economic) socialism with social liberalism than (social) socialism with economic liberalism. Social authoritarianism is more of a problem for people than economic authoritarianism. Fptp is more of a problem for the bigots on the right than the left... but it is bad for all of us because of these issues.

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