Friday 5 October 2012

Not even elections give the state validity

Without the consent of the governed it is not possible for a government to have valid authority. The people must consent for the government to be valid. But if people consent to something there is no reason to have elections. The very fact of there being elections demonstrates that the people do not consent. If the people consented there would be no need to have elections. Elections prove that the people do not consent and that (all forms of) government is invalid. If the government is valid then there would be no requirement for elections. The presence of elections proves that the government has no legitimacy. The government is not legitimate otherwise there would not be elections. Elections prove a lack of consent which proves that there should be no government... government is always without consent... there can be no consent for the government and so government is never legitimate... and elections are proof of this. If government is valid there would be no requirement for elections. Elections prove the validity of anarchy. The notion of there being consent of the governed is an oxymoron... government never has consent.

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