Wednesday 17 April 2013

Democracy is good for the poor

Proportional representation is good for the poor because to be able to choose who we are governed by is good. If there is first-past-the-post this can result in a two-party system whereby choice is limited. This is bad because then the politicians can act in their own interests and not those of the voters. Democracy (and government) is good because to have a government prevents crime but we must be able to easily remove our leaders and with fptp this is difficult. It is because the politicians might be bad that pr is preferable to fptp. If to be a politician is to be infallible then there is no problem with fptp because there is no advantage in choice and no advantage in democracy. It is because the politicians are not always good that democracy is good and by extension that pr is good. Pr is good for the same reasons that democracy is good... it enables us to 'flush out' bad politicians from the system periodically. It keeps the politicians motivated and focussed on their work. Without democracy the (members of the) state becomes weary and lazy despite their good intentions. Democracy gives discipline to the state and so for this reason pr is preferable to fptp. The more democratic the state the more uncomfortable are the politicians which is good. Pr is bad for the politicians which is good for the poor. It is too easy for politicians to get elected if the system is not democratic enough. The state fails to serve poor people if it is not sufficiently democratic.

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