Wednesday 17 April 2013

Freedom relies on democracy

The difference between the government and other legal entities is that the government is above the law... the law does not apply to the government. It is not possible for the government to act illegally since to do so would mean that it is not the government. But it is possible to envisage a world where there is not a government and everyone can obey the same set of laws. There is never a reason for aggression (by definition) and so we do not have a reason for government. To use force defensively to stop crime is always accepted in any arrangement and we do not need a government to fight (and resist) crime. We can also help other people voluntarily without a government. Democracy enables us to reject and resit the (aspirant) government... so the more democracy we have the less government there will be since by definition the government is unwanted. Democracy weakens the state so if we have the full version of democracy (which is proportional representation) this will result in the smallest government in a democracy. First past the post gives people less choice to reject the state and so it will result in a larger state. Democracy is bad for the government which is why pr results in more freedom. Freedom depends on people being able to reject the state which is why democracy enhances freedom. If we can reject the state more easily (as with pr) then we will be more free.

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