Sunday 15 December 2013

The state is generally unpopular

We can associate the state with a lack of democracy since if people have full democracy there will be less state. People never demand democracy in order to expand the state… always to demonstrate the lack of popularity of the state and then to reduce it. The state is justified only if it is popular and democracy demonstrates the popularity or otherwise of the state. If the state is popular and democratic then we can have no problem with it but if it is not democratic (and unpopular) then it is bad… democracy ensures the state is never unpopular which means that it is never unjustified. We cannot complain if the state is popular which means that we can have no complaint if the state is fully democratic. Democracy ensures the popularity of the state. Good states do not mind democracy… only bad states object to elections. Democracy tends to reduce the size of the state because socialism is (almost) always state spending which tends to benefit most the people who get to spend the money first. The state is generally unpopular which means that democracy (and proportional representation) tends to reduce the size of the state. The state doesn't like democracy (a popular state is a small state) which means that it tends to prefer first past the post to proportional representation. Democracy is popular (unlike the state).

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