Wednesday 25 December 2013

First past the post is either neutral or bad

It is natural for the state to be democratically accountable because the purpose of the state is to serve the people. If democracy is bad for the state then the state is bad for the people. First past the post is less democratic than proportional representation which means that it might be protecting an unpopular state and since all states must be popular (democratic) to be valid it might be protecting an invalid state. First past the post might be protecting a bad state from the wishes of the people… the government might be different under proportional representation (than what it is with fptp). If there might be a different government with a proportional system then fptp is protecting a bad and invalid state and so then fptp itself is bad. Democracy is good if the state is unpopular and bad (we assume the people know their own interests) and if the state is popular then democracy will have no influence on it. Only non-democratic states can be bad. First past the post might be bad but states elected with proportional representation are never bad since they are accountable. Proportional representation is a guarantee that the state is not bad (otherwise democracy is a false concept). There is no reason for a good state (a popular state) to oppose proportional representation. People know what is in their own interests (otherwise democracy itself is false) which means that people like freedom and so then the more democratic the system in use the smaller the state will be. If first past the post is relevant it (only) protects socialism. It is impossible for fptp to protect freedom unless democracy is bad for freedom and the state is liberal (but if the state is liberal there is no need for democracy). Democracy is not bad for freedom and so then fptp is not liberal… although it might be neutral.

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