Wednesday 30 April 2014

First past the post is bad for the people

The purpose of the state is to serve the people otherwise there would be no reason to have a state. The people do not exist to serve the state. And so then it makes sense to use democracy to make sure the state is accountable to the people and that the people are able to remove unpopular governments. Within the context of the existence of a state democracy makes sense and is consistent with natural rights. Democracy is not criminal but with a two-party fptp system voters who support democracy and proportional representation are ignored which means that they are being punished. The fptp system punishes people who support the smaller parties and those who support (pr and) democracy. But since the smaller parties are not by definition criminal the fptp system is punishing innocent people and innocent voters. Unless people and voters are to be presumed guilty then the first past the post system is punishing innocent people by excluding them and their votes from government.

If there is a state then not to be democratic is a crime and fptp is not democratic.

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