Friday 2 May 2014

Proportional representation is bad for the state

Democracy is the means by which the people are able to hold the state to account. Given that the state (if it means anything at all) is the entity with absolute legal authority then democracy is its only constraint. So then the state (seeking to enlarge itself) will always oppose democracy where it can. That being the case then it is perfectly natural and to be expected that the state would prefer first past the post. The fptp voting method is preferable to the state for the very reason that it is anti-democratic. With proportional representation the voter gets more choice because there is less reason to vote tactically. This means that life for people in government is more difficult and more demanding. The state abhors and resents democracy which is why it is consistent and not surprising that it would prefer fptp.

It is to be expected that the state would choose first past the post given that it doesn't like democracy.

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