Thursday 12 June 2014

Democracy is a natural right

We have a natural right to property (including our own bodies) whether or not there is a state. Our rights exist whether there is a state or not. It is not from the state that we derive our rights and so then it is a crime for people to be aggressive towards our property whether or not this is against the law. Equally the state can do a crime against our property and it is not above the law... even if the law gives it impunity. If we are the state or not we must listen to and be respectful of the property claims of other people. They have rights even if the state does not recognise them. If we are a government which doesn't use the most democratic and accountable method of selection then we are not listening to the people who have a right to be listened to. We are being aggressive if we are not being democratic and democracy (to have our property claims respected) is a natural right.

Non-democracy is a crime.

To use the first-past-the-post method of voting is to disregard the opinions of the people which (in the context of government and property rights) is a violation of their rights. Not to give (innocent) people a right to refuse your property claims is a crime.

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