Friday 6 June 2014

Civilisation requires democracy and property rights

Without property rights freedom and civilisation becomes impossible because there is no way to determine who owns what. So then given that property rights are a prerequisite for civilisation then anarchy is inconsistent with civilisation if the word anarchy means only to be absent of a state. If anarchy means only that there is no absolute authority (and there can be a state) then democracies can be consistent with anarchy.

Property rights require the consent of the group to recognise the rights of other people. Property rights are by nature a collectivist and social characteristic. Without other people there would be both no requirement for property rights and also no possibility of them. To have property rights means that your claim will be validated and recognised by a third party which is in itself a kind of socialism. Without other people there can be no property rights.

Without the state there can be no civilisation because it would be impossible to have property rights and since to have a state without democracy is impossible we deduce that without democracy property rights (and civilisation) are impossible. Civilisation requires democracy and the state. But the first-past-the-post system is not proportional and so voters are not being respected by the state which is a form of totalitarianism which then shares qualities with anarchy. Totalitarianism is similar to anarchy because there are no valid property rights and no valid state. Only a proportional voting system yields government and property rights. Without pr there is no government and as a consequence no freedom.

Freedom is impossible without proportional representation.

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