Sunday 16 November 2014

First past the post is theft

What is and isn't theft is defined, at least in part, by the government. The criticism made by proponents of democracy (in contrast to fptp) is not that fptp enables the formation of a government but that the government being formed by fptp is invalid. The pro-pr argument is not one made by anarchists since, obviously, pro-pr advocates are tolerant of a government formed by proportional representation. We need a government to prevent crime and uphold the law. But the problem with fptp is that it gives a false mandate to the government such that what normally would be a crime (appropriation of property without consent) is made legal. For example, taxation without a democratic mandate is illegal but the election makes it less illegal. If the election is invalid there is no way for the government to do anything legally.

Almost all of the actions of the government are justified by the democratic process and this is not strictly a problem. We do not object when the government arrests criminals, and in fact the government is the only body who can rightly deal with law and order. We must have a government to prevent crime and this is why democracy is so important. If the government seizes power without holding an election there is no legal redress because the government has a monopoly on the law. At this stage (with an undemocratic government) all property is subject to government theft and the government can claim to be valid even if it was not fairly elected. If a government is elected via fptp it usually considers this to be a true mandate and proceeds to govern for the entire electoral term until the next election, usually for around four or five years. But this government is not valid and so everything which it does (when it is not elected democratically) is a crime and theft.

It is not uncommon for political parties to assume that fptp gives them a valid mandate to rule but this is not the case and to rule undemocratically is a form of theft. First past the post is theft because it (falsely) gives a mandate to politicians to govern when the people have not been given a true veto.

To govern using just first-past-the-post is a form of theft because the government can legally seize property from anyone. The only true and legal form of government is democratic and one which ensures all votes count equally, as in the case or either direct democracy or proportional representation. To govern without true democracy is theft.

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