Wednesday 12 November 2014

If there is no government this is good for criminals

There can be little purpose in having a government if it is not opposed to crime. The government and the voting public are opposed to crime and they recognise that we have a right not to be subject to crime such as physical assault or the theft of our property. People in general, although perhaps not all, are opposed to crime and so when there is an election the voters will be opposed to crime. If voters are opposed to crime then a democracy will always be opposed to crime.

Democracy is bad for crime but if we do not have either a direct or proportional system then democracy is hindered which is to the advantage of crime and criminals. The first-past-the-post system is helpful to criminals because it disrupts the crime-stopping intentions of voters. Democracy and government stop crime but if we do not have a proportional (or direct) system then democracy (and government) is harmed and this is good for criminals. True government is democracy and so then fptp is not really true government, it is merely something which stands in the way of government and the people.

Government stops crime but if the government is not truly democratic (proportional) then it is not a government and there is nothing to stop crime. To stop crime we need a government but this means a proportionally-elected government, there is no government which is not proportionally-elected, we cannot stop crime with first-past-the-post (since it is a form of anarchy).

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