Wednesday 26 September 2012

First past the post is an elitist voting system

First past the post can only be altered by those who are in control of it. If an outsider such as myself objects to it then there is not much they can do about it. We do not control the voting system if we do not control the parliament... and we do not control the parliament because of the fptp voting system itself. Only people who endorse fptp could ever be in a position to change it... which means we have an insoluble problem. Even if the voters want pr it would mean that they are willing to abandon their ability to influence the outcome of a general election. And even then they very likely would not get what they want. They would risk losing their (tactical) vote in favour of pr but with only a very small likelihood of their sacrifice being worthwhile in achieving pr. They would very likely not get pr and have wasted their fptp vote. It is difficult for voters to get pr because if they abandon the mainstream parties it is unlikely they will get pr. In that sense fptp protects itself. We can think of the people that strongly endorse fptp as being similar to a kind of political elite... it is difficult to remove them once they have been established. Fptp is an elitist system. When we vote tactically we are pandering to the elites... in a sense the elites are holding the electorate to ransom in that if they do not want to vote tactically and support the elite system they will have no influence and effectively no vote. Your only (meaningful) vote can be one which supports the elite. Failure to vote for a party which supports pr is to support the elites.

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