Sunday 2 September 2012

First past the post is a violation of property rights

First past the post is a violation of our democratic property rights. We have a right to fair elections and it is a right that votes which are cast for minority candidates should count equally to those which are cast for the mainstream parties.

We can consider the democratic process to resemble a courtroom. The electorate is represented by the jury, the 'establishment' is represented by the judge and the accused is the subject of the law. The purpose of the trial in this analogy is to decide what to do with the accused. Democratically speaking this is analogous to deciding what laws to pass. For example the accused could be someone who has earned an income and the jury must decide if they should be forced to pay income tax. In normal circumstances it is the jury who (unmolested) make the decision. However with fptp the jury do not make the decision... the decision is instead made by the judge. This is a kind of theft of decision-making power which transfers the decision from the jury to the judge. The jury should rightly be able to make the decision (for themselves) but they are not able to because of the unfair voting system.

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