Saturday 8 September 2012

Proportional representation enables people to be free

With first past the post the protest vote is impossible because we have no meaningful choice. We can waste our vote or vote for one of the established parties. This means voters cannot meaningfully protest. To stop the party of the centre-right we have no choice but to vote for the Labour party (in the UK). To make it less likely that the Labour party will win it would make sense for the Tories to adopt pr which means that votes for any of the minority parties will also stop Labour... not only votes for the Tories. Labour cannot be defeated with fptp. With fptp we have to choose which politician we want to 'represent' us in parliament. But there is no real reason to have a solitary politician to do this... if there are a plethora of politicians to choose from (and be represented by) then our views will be fully represented and not diminished into a single position of only two available. There is no need to reduce the number of representatives down to just one for each seat. If there are many leaders this is a little like anarchy because we are not lead instead we are free to lead ourselves... pr is a kind of democratic anarchy. With pr we are not coerced into choosing one from only two viable choices instead we can choose almost anyone to represent (and own) us. This enables us to own ourselves if we can choose people who will leave us alone. Government is ownership and if we can only choose from between two possible representatives we have a problem. It means that we can never be free because the two parties will always tend to some form of coercive government... even if they intend to do good they will be hijacked by vested interests and stupid people. Nothing good can come from having only two parties to choose from... more choice is better always. To choose a politician is to choose an owner and a master so if we are not able to make a good choice we become slaves. The more leaders we are able to choose between the more free we will be.

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