Saturday 3 November 2012

First past the post is proof that the state is malign

As far as fptp is concerned the 'joke' on the voter who must choose between only two parties where it is very possible neither are appealing. It would be strange for anyone in a democracy (apart from a narrow band of party loyalists) to be supportive of fptp... not only are you oppressing yourself with a lack of choice but you are oppressing others. A voter would be stupid to think the state has anything but its own interests at heart... given that it retains fptp. No one could consistently be in favour of the state if there is fptp. Fptp makes us all anarchist(s) but it is still there... it does not go away. Fptp is proof that the state is evil so it would be stupid to vote for more state under fptp. At least fptp makes the problems of socialism obvious. We cannot trust an institution which fails to deliver proportionality and so the existence of fptp demonstrates that we cannot trust the state.

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