Saturday 10 November 2012

Democracy is why we do not have communism

The point of Toryism should be to be defiant in the rejection of (socialist) tyranny but fair in all other areas. There is no point being a Tory if not to defend freedom... but it is inconsistent not to allow people to have fair elections. There is nothing to be gained from restricting the choice of parties available to people to just two main parties. People do not vote for any party (even the Tories) out of fear so there are no votes to be lost in rejecting fptp. There is nothing to be lost in switching to pr and possibly something to be gained. It is possible (and likely) that voters will migrate to parties which offer more freedom provided what they demand of the state is not absent. People will reject what they do not want whilst still being able to keep certain state services which they demand. There is no point (from the Tory perspective) of retaining power in this way by restricting choice. (And forcing people to vote tactically.) There is nothing to be lost (for anti-government liberals) in allowing people to be represented by voting for any party. Proportional representation is not a threat to freedom... quite the reverse is true. Pr lets voters choose less government where fptp would not have allowed them to do so. A liberated electorate produces less government. A liberated government comes from a restricted electorate... which is bad. If the people are given more choice then the government can be more easily refused. We should give the voters every chance to refuse the government. Choice means the ability to refuse and more democratic choice means less government. Democracy is choice and more choice means less government. People do not choose big government it is imposed upon them and so choice reduces government. To give people democracy is to give them the opportunity to (be free and) reduce the size of the state. The state cannot be reduced in size without democracy. The state is not universal (we do not have full communism) only because of democracy.

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