Tuesday 5 February 2013

First past the post enables crime

It is important to have democracy because without (government and) democracy we have no objective property rights. To have property requires democracy so democracy is a good and necessary thing. But if we do not have proportional representation it will be possible for criminals to get into parliament without the required support. Any politician who is in parliament without sufficient (proportional) support is a criminal. To have a parliament free of criminals requires proportional representation. To protect fptp is to protect criminals. Not to have democracy is to have anarchy and this means we have no legitimate property rights and so we cannot prevent crime. We need to have a government to stop crime but with fptp we do not have a legitimate government because criminals are not prevented from gaining power. Fptp lets criminals have power but with pr we can prevent this. First past the post is a kind of anarchy because we are not ruled by the law but instead criminals. There is no government if we have fptp. Only with pr can we say that there is a valid government and since we need government to have property then only with pr is there (the existence of) true property rights. We cannot stop crime if we do not have pr.

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