Friday 8 February 2013

Proportional representation is good for anarchists

It is better not to have a government because without government we can use objective facts to determine the truth. Without a government we seek to find out if someone has done a crime using evidence and facts. If there is a government there is an agency which is able to act differently from the rest of the economy. With a government it is possible for crimes to be committed and for these to be forgiven or even encouraged merely due to the fact that they are being perpetrated by the government. In a democracy it is not possible to claim that the truth of a situation or a crime is altered by our opinion of it. Crimes (and non-crimes) are objective facts even if they are popular. Democracy doesn't alter the morality of aggression and property rights. Given that it is better not to have a government (for these reasons) then we can choose a voting system based on the question of which will give us the least government. It is clear that proportional representation will give much less government than fptp. The reason for this is that pr favours and encourages the very mechanisms which democracy is used for. We use democracy to constrain the state and to prevent its encroachment into the economy. If we do not have democracy we will end up with communism and so democracy stops the government... due to the government being unpopular. If the government is not unpopular then there would be no point in having democracy (it would be redundant) because everyone would vote to endorse the state and we would end up with totalitarianism. It is because the state is (inherently) unpopular that we have democracy and that its results matter. So we have democracy because the government is unpopular... so then we would want to choose the voting system which enables the people to express their disdain for the state most easily. The very premise of democracy is that the opinion of the people is not subordinate to the state and so for that reason it also makes sense to have pr. If democracy is legitimate then pr would naturally be preferable to fptp. Proportional representation enables the people to reject the state which is good if the state is inherently bad (which it is... truth is objective). Truth is not democratic and so we would want to have the lease degree of state possible. With fptp it is tacitly assumed that the state is virtuous and that the voters are in some aspect criminal. The state is there (it is supposed) to keep a lid on the people and hold them down... for good reasons. The people are assumed to be criminal and the purpose of the state is to oppress them. Of course this assumption is false. But with fptp we are given a choice between only two different parties. This means that it is easy for each of the parties to oppress the people (against their wishes) in different ways. It is like an innocent person being given a choice between two different custodial sentences. With pr we are able to plead our innocence and vote for a somewhat anarchist in nature party.

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