Friday, 1 February 2013

Labour will always win unless the Tories support pr

Since property rights are a requirement for civilisation and capitalism we cannot have freedom without the government. Property rights come only from the government because otherwise they would not be objective which means to have free markets and capitalism requires government. Government is the source of capitalism. And since government can be legitimate only if it is elected democratically there can be no markets and no capitalism without democracy. Democracy is the source of free trade and free markets. Given this it would make sense if we are a capitalist to fully welcome democracy and to favour proportional representation. If we do not have pr then voters (who endorse the free market) are not able to fully get what they want which is bad. The people want free markets and capitalism (thankfully... capitalism is impossible if it is not popular) and so we would want to have the most democratic system possible if we are capitalists. Capitalists like democracy. Not to like democracy suggests that we do not like the views of the people and so we want something other than free markets. People who do not like democracy (and by extension pr) do not like freedom and capitalism. If a party (such as the Tories) objects to and rejects pr then we can deduce that despite what they may say they are not for capitalism. Only parties which fully support pr are behind free markets and capitalism and so if the Tories do not support pr they are not capitalists. The Tories claim to be opposed to communism so if they are speaking the truth about this we can only deduce that they are in favour of some sort of stateless anarchy where all crimes are permitted... a type of Armageddon scenario where we must all fend for ourselves and there is no mutual collaboration. Only this dark vision is consistent with their position on rejecting pr. Unless they are communists the Tories must dislike pr because they dislike freedom and life itself. Given this dystopian outlook it is not possible for someone who values life to vote for the Tories and so the only option for someone who does not want to see the destruction of the world is to vote for the Labour party in a fptp system. If we do not want to vote for the Labour party because they might be socialist we can only do so with pr assuming we do not want to destroy the world. Even capitalists have no choice but to let the Tories lose to Labour because the end of the world is incompatible with capitalism. Without fptp it is highly unlikely that the Labour party would ever get into power because the voters want freedom and capitalism. It is because of the fptp voting system that non-dystopians are forced to support (or at least not oppress and oppose) the Labour party. Fptp causes the Labour party to have great success. This is also true of the Democrats in America who are the analogue of the British (UK) Labour party. Proportional representation would give the people more freedom because it would give them more democracy. Labour do well with fptp despite being somewhat socialist because voters generally do not want to see the end of the world. Voters are not socialist but the fptp system forces them to let Labour in... or allow the end of the world. They fear the end of the word more than the Labour party. Only if a Labour victory is worse than death would it be possible for voters to (consistently) reject the Labour party in a fptp election and let the Tories win. The Tories will not win a fptp election unless Labour is worse than death itself. Fptp is bad for capitalism because people want to be free but fptp helps Labour... with pr there would be much more freedom. Without pr people are 'forced' by the voting system to reject the Tories (to prevent the end of the world) and so this creates a kind of monopoly for the Labour party who offer a weak version of capitalism. Pr would be more capitalistic than fptp because Labour are not fully capitalistic. Only if the Labour party are (perfect and) fully capitalist would pr not be an improvement on fptp. Pr is better than fptp because Labour are not (entirely) capitalists. Labour are not full capitalists they are only partial capitalists. Labour do not offer the most amount of freedom... but we have no choice but to let them win in a fptp system... because at least they are collectivists not anarchists. We have no choice in a fptp election but to protect the state and property. It is impossible to vote for anarchists and so it is impossible to vote for any party which is on the right and opposed to the introduction of pr. To vote against the Tories is to protect the state (and property rights) from anarchism. To vote for Labour in a fptp system is to vote for property rights. Rational people have no option but to support Labour and let the Tories fail in a fptp election. If the Tories want to free the country from the Labour party they must drop their support for fptp. Without Tory support for fptp there would be no (successful) Labour party. If the Tories support fptp the Labour party will always win... Tory support for pr is the only way to stop the Labour party. Labour will always win unless the Tories switch their preference to pr. Only Tory support for pr (Tory suicide) will defeat the Labour party. Labour win unless the Tories kill themselves. The Tories need to kill themselves (by supporting pr) otherwise we will be stuck with perpetual Labour election victories. It is essential that the Tories (kill themselves and) support pr... or the country will fall to the Labour party... permanently.

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