Monday 28 July 2014

The Labour party supports direct democracy

Generally speaking those who seek political power do so in the hope that what they do will be helpful and popular. It is rare for politicians (however bad) to seek political office with the deliberate intention of harming the people and being unpopular so then it is strange that not all politicians advocate more democracy. If we (as a politician) consent to the concept of being democratically accountable then there is no reason not to seek to maximise democracy. All reasonable politicians accept and advocate democracy and so then all are in favour of proportional representation and none of them tolerate first-past-the-post. It might be argued that I am wrong and that there is good evidence to show that some politicians reject pr and in fact support first-past-the-post but those people are not true politicians, they are something else.

All genuine politicians (including the Labour party and the Conservative party) support direct democracy and proportional representation. It is incorrect to think that Labour and the Conservatives do not support proportional representation in spite of what may appear to be evidence to the contrary.

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