Tuesday 8 July 2014

Proportional representation ensures a majority

The winner of a two-party winner-takes-all voting system is only the better of two and not the best of all possible candidates.

If the election organisers do not take steps to ensure that representation is in accordance with support then people will take into account precedence and vote only for parties which they already know to be popular. Or if they don't then candidates from the largest minority could still win many or even all of the seats despite not getting a majority (of the votes). In a democracy we should need a majority to gain power and pass legislation, we do not want to have legislation passed (and the parliament controlled) by merely the best minority we require a majority. We the people do not want to be victims of (subject to) a parliament which is controlled by a mere minority... even if it is the largest minority. We have a right to demand that all legislation is supported by at least half of the people.

First-past-the-post enables government by minority which would be made impossible with proportional representation.

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