Wednesday 23 July 2014

The Tories should be called the Progressives

If we have democracy then to be conservative is to be in favour of democracy and anarchists would then be progressives (in the face of democracy which is synonymous with the state). First-past-the-post is anti-democratic (anti-state) which suggests that the Conservatives (who support fptp) do not like democracy which would make them anarchists. Since anarchy is progressive in the light of democracy and the state then the Conservative party are progressives since they oppose proportional representation.

Since the position of a political party on the type of voting system they prefer is of optimal importance then it makes no sense for the Conservatives (who oppose pr) not to describe themselves as progressives since anarchy (and anti-democracy) is progressive.

Anarchists are progressives which means that it makes little sense for the Conservatives not to change their name to the Progressives since they are anarchists of a kind. The Conservatives are anarchists because they oppose pr which means they should correctly be named the Progressive party and not the Conservatives.

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