Thursday 20 December 2012

The state should not use first past the post

The antithesis of anarchy is to have proportional representation. With pr the people are able to control the government and the government is precisely representative of the people. Pr enables the state to share its power with the people so everyone is included in policy. It is good to be democratic but with fptp we are only able to choose one of two possible candidates which means the political process devolves into a competition between two large parties. It would be more generous of the state (in their behaviour towards anarchists) to give people more than fptp which is to give them pr. Proportional representation is a form of generosity by the state towards anarchists. It is wrong of the state to deny proportional elections to the people. If the state is not a force for good (defending property rights against anarchy) then it is consistent to deny democracy to the people. But if the state is good then it makes sense to give people the best and most proportional form of democracy possible. Pr makes sense because the state is good.

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