Monday 24 December 2012

People are socialists otherwise we would have pr

It is not good for the population of a country to have first past the post. Proportional representation is preferable for the people... but it is strange that people would tolerate the fptp parties given that pr is better. It is strange that voters do not demand pr. Perhaps the people like the socialism which results from first past the post and they do not want the rest of the population to be able to vote for liberal parties. It is a way for people to trap the rest of the population into a socialist system. Even if most people are socialist pr is not a threat to their preferred system because a majority socialist government would be elected by definition. Even socialists have nothing to fear from pr... unless they are in the minority in which case it would make sense for the rest to make sure that elections are proportional. Most people are socialists (and pr would not offer freedom) otherwise we would have proportional elections. We do not have pr because most people are to the left but given that reality pr would not improve things. If fptp is a problem we would not have it. The existence of fptp demonstrates that most people are socialists.

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