Friday 28 December 2012

There are no arguments in favour of pr

In political discourse the argument is usually 'won' when it can be shown that to take a certain position exhibits some kind of bigotry or false assumption. The obvious example of this is in the case of apartheid where the discrimination taking place is open and explicit. Normally when this discrimination has been shown the argument has been lost. (And the system is obviously wrong.) So to win a political argument we must show an assumption of bigotry or collectivism. The problem with exposing the difficulties of the first-past-the-post voting system is that it is only the political right who are sensitive to claims of collectivism. We seek to show that fptp is collectivist and will tend to result in a collectivist government. But these arguments are only effective against the political right. The left do not see a contradiction in a political system being favourable to the collective majority and so we can only argue with the right. But our premise is that the political and democratic system itself discriminates against the right in which case the opinion of the right will be redundant. If the right are able to get into power (and their opinion is relevant) then arguments against fptp have been shown to be false. If fptp is a problem then only the left will be successful in an election and it is only they who can change the system. But the argument against fptp is that it is collectivist which not an argument which is successful against the left and so we have an impasse. We cannot win the argument against fptp because being collectivist and left-wing is not a contradiction for the left. The left don't mind that the liberal right cannot win. And if they (the left) don't keep winning there is no argument against it. Only if the left always win under fptp is it a problem but then the left will not care. If it's a problem (and the left keep winning) then nothing can be done about it... because the arguments won't work people that don't care about collectivism are the only people who are in a position to remove it. The system protects itself. People against it can never get into power unless by deception.

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