Monday 10 December 2012

Pr is the only route to freedom

With proportional representation people vote for a party which closely matches their beliefs because they have an equal chance of gaining representation with a small party. This means that the party representing the voter closely matches the needs and interests of the individual voter. The voter is able to act in a 'defensive' manner by choosing someone who will oppose oppressive laws against the voter. With fptp in contrast the voter (realistically) has only two dominant parties to choose from. This means that, rather than vote for a party to represent the voter's interests, a party is chosen purely to oppose the opposition. Voters are voting to 'bash' the other party rather than to promote their chosen party. This is the nature of tactical voting... it means that we would rather vote for someone else entirely but because out choices are limited and we want to keep the other party from power we must allow a certain party to gain power merely to stop the alternative. It is a system which creates a false sense of poverty in the voter. With pr we do not need to 'bash' the two main parties we can simply vote for the best candidate to reflect our interests. To choose the least offence of the two main parties is bad for democracy and freedom because it enables both of the main parties to predate on the electorate to varying degrees. It offers voters no mechanism to express a preference within the parameters of their chosen party. To be forced to choose between two different forms of communism is not democracy. We cannot properly defend ourselves from the state if we have no option but to choose one of the two main parties. Democracy does not work if it is not proportional. To be free we need democracy but it also needs to be a form of democracy which works... so we need pr. Without pr we cannot be free.

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