Saturday 1 December 2012

Proportional representation is good for tactical voting

First past the post prevents the electorate from reducing the size of the state... we can assume that the purpose of elections is to reduce the size of the state otherwise the electorate would serve only to endorse everything the government wants to do. If elections are only to give a mandate to government (and not to reduce it) then there is no reason to have elections. The only purpose of (democracy and) elections is to constrain and reduce the size of the state. Democracy either reduces the government or it gives it a mandate... it never increases the size of the government. If there is less choice this can only mean the electorate is being denied an opportunity to reduce the size of the state. Fptp does not reduce the mandate given to the government by the people. (The government does not hesitate to act merely because fptp is not proportional.) In that respect it (fptp) offers no advantage to who seek to reduce the size of the state. Fptp is a barrier only to those who seek to remove their mandate from the actions of the government. Fptp is bad only for Libertarians not socialists. Only people who do not want to reduce the size of the state are offended by pr and think that it would be a problem. Libertarians do not hate pr only socialists hate pr. Fptp is bad for Libertarians because it 'forces' voters into choosing from two main parties... choosing the least socialist of two socialist parties. If the electorate are liberated this is bad for the government.

Tactical voting means that people are voting not for their naive and obvious choice but for a different party due to how the election is being organised. But in a sense all elections are tactical even if they are proportional. In reality we would like no government and to own ourselves which means that all votes are tactical whatever the (kind of) election. Being forced to choose from between only two parties means that we are not able to be tactical enough. Pr enables us to be more tactical because we can choose not only the broad kind of strategy we would like the party to take but also the specifics of the policy. Proportional representation is inherently more tactical than fptp... fptp is not tactical enough. Pr elections are more tactical than fptp. When people describe tactical voting in fptp elections what they are referring to is when people gravitate to the two main established parties... but this is not 'tactical' it is simply common-sense. It is very difficult to vote tactically in a fptp election. There is nothing wrong with tactical voting... it is good... which is why pr is preferable.

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