Wednesday 16 January 2013

Democracy works because people want to be free

The purpose of democracy is to enable the people to be represented and get the government they want. Assuming government is necessary for property rights then we would want a government which is sanctioned by the people and not arbitrary. Democracy gives the government the best possible mandate and it enables the people to reject unnecessary intervention. If there is not enough democracy it is possible for people in power to take control of resources to an excessive extent and this is obviously detrimental. Government is the absolute authority so it is important to make sure it does not get too much power... which is what democracy is for. We can assume that the people do not want interventionist socialism because if they did they would further want the government to control everything. The end result of increasing socialism is communism which is unpopular and is only possible without democracy. The people do not want communism and they only want a limited amount of socialism. In the final analysis we can think of the electorate as liberals who do not like government intervention and government spending. The people will vote for freedom and free markets where they have the chance... apart from some limited socialism such as a public health service. People do not like the government which is why they can be relied upon to reject communism. The more democracy there is and the more effective the means by which people are able to cast their vote (proportional representation) the less government there will be... because people do not like the government. The government is generally unpopular (but necessary for property rights) so we can expect that with more democracy there will be less government. The government is not liked (it is unchosen) so if there is more democracy there will be less government. If to have democracy means that people will not reject the government then we can discard democracy altogether... if people want communism there is no point in having democracy. Democracy ceases to be meaningful if people do not want freedom... if they want communism there is little point in arranging elections. People are not communists so democracy is effective. If people are not liberals there is no point having a democracy. Democracy relies upon people wanting to be free. If people do not want to be free there is no point in having democracy. Democracy doesn't work if people do not want to be free. If democracy is pertinent and makes a difference to the make-up of the legislature then we can assume the government is not popular. Democracy matters because people are liberal.

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