Monday 28 January 2013

Fptp forces progressives to vote for socialism

The Labour party receive a great deal of tactical votes because of the first-past-the-post voting system. This means that the country endures more socialism that it would otherwise if it had a proportional system. The reason people vote for the Labour party (over the Tories) in a fptp system is that the Tories are by definition a conservative party. (All centre-right parties in a fptp system will be conservative parties.) This means that if people want to be progressive then they have only one choice available to them... which is not to have a choice. They can either vote for the Labour party or waste their vote. People are progressive especially when they are involved in elections which means the Tories can never win in a fptp system and fptp elections will always be won by the Labour party (or the Democrats in America). It is because of the fptp voting system (where it exists) that socialist parties get elected. Without fptp there would be no socialism. Even if people are not left-wing when they are faced with the tactical considerations of the fptp voting process they have little choice but to vote for the left-wing party (of the two) if they are progressive. And most people are progressive when it comes to politics. First past the post always results in (apparently) left-wing outcomes because people are not conservative when it comes to politics. People are progressive which means fptp is a bad system which results in socialism. The fptp voting system forces progressives to vote for the Labour party when otherwise they would not do so. Progressives vote for socialism only when there is no other choice.

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