Friday 18 January 2013

Pr is preferable because it results in coalitions

Despite the failures of communism it is still possible to find adherents which means that voters are not always the best judge of their own interests. But it is difficult to envisage a society without democracy and elections. So we must choose the system of democracy in which the voters can do the least damage to themselves. And we can see that it is proportional representation which protects the voter from him and herself. If pr is in use the voters will likely vote for the political party which most closely matches their views... there is no reason for them to vote otherwise. This means that we will (eventually) get many different parties in parliament. Because there will be many different parties a government will be able to form only if they arrange a coalition. Coalitions are not the same as one-party rule which is the general outcome with fptp. If there is fptp we tend to get landslides for either of the two establishment parties but with pr it is very unlikely that a single party will emerge alone and so there are coalitions which are inherently liberating. With coalitions comes freedom and liberty which is why pr is preferable. If we have fptp then it very unlikely that we will get (the requirement for) coalitions and so we will get socialism or worse. It is because pr elections tend to result in no overall winner and the requirement for coalitions that they are preferable. Pr is preferable because it doesn't tend to result in a win for a single party which is bad for the country. Pr is good because it is difficult for single parties to do well.

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