Sunday 20 January 2013

Labour are not a threat to the Tories

It is a mistake to assume the centre-right party in a fptp duopoly is necessarily in favour of a reduced state. Whilst such a party might have originated with a Libertarian and anti-socialist mindset it is very often that such parties degenerate into coercive statism. The party of the centre-right (the Tories) are not often in favour of freedom and liberty and are often very similar in outlook to their opponent. It follows from this that such a party has much more to fear from a change in the voting system than they do from their purported opposition. If there is a third party such as the Liberal Democrats (which supports proportional representation) we can say with certainty that the Tories will have much more to fear from their success than they do from the success of the natural opposition. The Tories have much more to fear from the success of the Liberal Democrats than they do from Labour who (whilst they might keep the Tories from power) will nevertheless retain the voting system which keeps the Tories in place. The Tories have far more to fear from the introduction of pr than they do from Labour and so they will prefer to see Labour do well than the Lib Dems. The Tories have much more to fear from the Lib Dems than they do Labour.

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