Monday 21 January 2013

First past the post governments are weak

Our vote counts more if we can vote for whom we like and expect to receive full representation. If we must equivocate and compromise on our political beliefs to make sure that our vote counts and is not ignored (because we have voted for a minority candidate) then our vote counts less and democracy has failed. Democracy to work requires that all votes count equally. If some votes do not count to the same extent as others then the institution of government itself is weakened because the winning party has failed to receive a genuine mandate. A coalition which results from a pr election has received a genuine mandate from the people. With fptp elections what generally happens is that the winning party has very much fewer than half of the votes so they are always a minority government. With pr the government is always a majority government because a coalition of smaller parties is formed. This means that pr governments have more legitimacy and can govern with more authority. First past the post governments are intrinsically weak for this reason.

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