Monday 28 January 2013

First past the post makes freedom impossible

The problem with the fptp voting system is that it gives the progressive voter very little choice. They cannot vote for the Tories because by their nature they are not a progressive party... as no centre-right party in a fptp duopoly will be. The choice for the progressive is to either vote for the Labour party to 'punish' the Tories for their position on fptp or to not vote. The problem for the progressive with not voting is that this lets in Labour who are not progressive and are often socialist which can lead to serious problems. This means that to be logical and progressive the progressive voter can do nothing but sit and watch as Labour win repeated elections. We cannot be free if we have a fptp voting system because the logical choice is to do nothing and watch Labour win... which is not freedom. Fptp makes freedom impossible because progressives are not able to (be logical and) stop the Labour party. Fptp makes it impossible to stop the Labour party which means (unless the Labour party offer freedom) fptp guarantees a lack of freedom.

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