Friday 18 January 2013

Not everything the Tories like is good

First past the post is favourable to the two mainstream (fptp) parties because if people want to be sure that their vote counts them must vote for one of the main parties. This is bad for the country because democracy is the method by which the state is held in check and socialism is opposed. So it might appear to be a contradiction that the Tories (who oppose) socialism are in favour of fptp. Fptp doesn't give people a choice which means they tend to vote for Labour... and yet the Tories support fptp. This is bad for the country as a whole so even despite Tory support fptp is a bad thing. If the Tories support something that doesn't always mean it is a good thing even though they (vocally) reject communism. The Tories seek to be in power and to control the government and yet they are not being logical in their choice of voting system. They choose fptp which demands that voters are loyal and align themselves with the Tories to reject socialism when with pr it is possible to reject socialism by voting for one of many parties. Fptp makes it more difficult for voters to reject socialism which means pr is better. It is the lack of logic shown by the Tories on this issue which makes them dangerous and we can say that that which is opposed by the Tories is always a good thing because they are illogical. The Tories are illogical and logic is good so the Tories are always bad despite sometimes being opposed to bad things. Just because the Tories are sometimes not wrong doesn't mean they always good. However, the Tories are wrong (and illogical) about pr which means they are bad. Something which is opposed by the Tories (such as pr) is good because the Tories are bad. If the Tories oppose something it is good and the Tories oppose pr. The Tories hate pr so it must be logical and good. The Tories are illogical so pr is logical. Even if the Tories hate something it could still be good.

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