Thursday 24 January 2013

The Tories will soon support pr

It is very likely that the Conservative party will soon support pr... despite their historical antipathy towards reform. The problem with the fptp voting system is that it makes it difficult for the established centre-right party to do well. Even though they get more votes than they otherwise would (with pr) fptp is still bad for the Tories because it is bad for the right. Tory voters we presume are more concerned with policy than with the colour of the winning party (red or blue) and so we can deduce that they will want to change the voting system. Given that fptp is so helpful to Labour it is likely that the Tory party will eventually (even soon) support a reform of the voting system from fptp to pr. It makes sense for the right to support pr and even if this is detrimental to the party in terms of absolute votes it is possible (even likely) that the Tories will soon campaign for a reform of the system. There is no reason for the Tories not to support pr and it is likely they will cease to be so fervent in their support for fptp and switch their support to pr.

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