Saturday 26 January 2013

The Tories are not good or bad

The only reason to keep fptp is if the fortunes of the Conservative party are more important than those of the country. It is impossible to deny that governments are formed using fptp... we cannot say that fptp is anarchy so then we must ask is it better than pr? If fptp is not anarchy then we are justified in comparing it with other voting systems. The only advantage of fptp (for a non-socialist) would be that it is helpful to the Conservative party but this is to fail to be aware of losses elsewhere. It not good to help the Tory party if this means that other non-socialist parties fail and Labour win overall. It is not good to sacrifice the country to protect the Conservative party. Only if the Tories are more important than the country and put themselves above the country would it be a good idea to retain fptp. Fptp is bad unless the Tories are more important than the country. Nationalists have no reason to support fptp unless they prefer the Tories to their own country. Pr is good for the country even though it is bad for the Tories. This is an apparent psephological paradox because traditionally the Tories are associated with freedom and resisting communism. Pr is something which is good for the country and yet bad for the Tories. Not everything which is bad for the Tories is good for the country.

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