Tuesday 8 January 2013

Fptp doesn't make the government go away

"Solipsism (i/ˈsɒlɨpsɪzəm/) is the philosophical idea that only one's own mind is sure to exist. The term comes from the Latin solus (alone) and ipse (self). As an epistemological position, solipsism holds that knowledge of anything outside one's own mind is unsure. The external world and other minds cannot be known, and might not exist outside the mind. As a metaphysical position, solipsism goes further to the conclusion that the world and other minds do not exist. As such it is the only epistemological position that, by its own postulate, is both irrefutable and yet indefensible in the same manner. Although the number of individuals sincerely espousing solipsism has been small, it is not uncommon for one philosopher to accuse another's arguments of entailing solipsism as an unwanted consequence, in a kind of reductio ad absurdum. In the history of philosophy, solipsism has served as a skeptical hypothesis."

Whether we think the government (and society) exists depends on whether or not we think we ourselves exist... and whether we think the world around us exists. If we exist then the world exists and is not simply a product of our imagination. So if we exist then solipsism is no longer a valid proposition. Although it cannot be shown that we exist it is a somewhat redundant position to hold particularly with respect to government and the law. If we do not exist then there can be no crimes and government and political discussion is worthless. If we are part of the world and solipsism is false then government exists whether we like it or not. Even if there is not a recognised 'government' there are still other people interacting with each other which means that there is a government (or at least a society) of sorts. If there is a society (and we are real) then it makes sense to replace fptp with pr where fptp exists. The reason for this is that the absence of true democracy doesn't make the state go away. The state is still there even if we do not have pr so pr will not increase the size of the state. Even if it is perceived that pr legitimises the state this is not a problem because legitimacy or not fptp states still exist. If it is a free country then we can do whatever we like (provided it doesn't hurt others) even if the government disagrees. But we do not live in a free country when we have fptp so we might as well resign ourselves to the reality of the situation. There is no point rejecting pr because the government (and the existence of other people) is real. The government is real so it makes no sense to oppose pr.

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